Multi Coloured Monday

Ditch Blue Monday and opt for Multi-Coloured Magic instead

This year the notorious Blue Monday, traditionally labelled as the most depressing day of the year, is on Monday 15th January. Instead of Blue Monday let’s take the opportunity to rewrite the narrative and turn the gloom into a burst of vibrancy. Instead of succumbing to the blues, embrace the concept of Multi-Coloured Monday.

Multi-coloured Monday is all about infusing the day with a kaleidoscope of colours and positive energy. This year, on January 15th, let’s challenge the conventional perception of Blue Monday and transform it into a day of multi-coloured magic.

The Power of Colours in Beating the Blues:

Blue Monday is often associated with a confluence of factors like post-holiday blues, cold weather, and the realisation of NewYear’s resolutions are unachievable or fading away. Multi-coloured Monday offers a refreshing alternative by encouraging us to surround ourselves with a spectrum of hues, effectively counteracting the traditional melancholy associated with this day.

Multi coloured day

The science of colours

The power of colours to influence mood and well-being is well-established. We all know the cheery feeling that bright colours can give. Scientific research supports the idea that colours can have 


a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. A study published in the journal “Frontiers in Psychology” (Palmer & Schloss, 2010)   found that colour can influence our mood. The scientists found that warm colours like red and yellow elicit positive emotions, while cool colours like blue and green promote calmness.

Research conducted by the University of British Columbia (Mehta & Zhu, 2009) suggests that exposure to the colour red can enhance performance on tasks requiring attention to detail, while blue enhances creative tasks. So, incorporating vibrant colours into our surroundings on Blue Monday can potentially improve focus and creativity, providing a cognitive boost to counteract the perceived negativity of the day.

Wardrobe Revolution:

On this particular Blue Monday, consider a wardrobe revolution by consciously choosing vibrant colours. Instead of allowing the Multi Coloured Mondayday to dictate a somber dress code, break the monotony with bold colours: a red scarf, cheerful yellow sweater, or a pair of lively green shoes. This small but significant change can uplift your spirits and set a positive tone for the rest of the week.

A study published in the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management (Kwallek et al., 1997) highlights the psychological effects of colour in clothing.  The research demonstrates that individuals often associate specific emotions with different colours. By choosing a multi-coloured wardrobe on Blue Monday, we can leverage these psychological effects to positively influence our mood and overall well-being.

Workspace Transformation:

A study conducted by the University of Exeter (Knight & Haslam, 2010) found that introducing plants into office spaces significantly increased workplace productivity and well-being. The addition of vibrant colours in the form of artwork, stationery, and office supplies can complement such initiatives, creating a visually stimulating environment. This aligns with the principles of environmental psychology, emphasizing the impact of our surroundings on psychological well-being.

Multi-coloured Meals:

Counter the blues with a burst of nutrition and flavour through a multi-coloured meal. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your lunch, creating a visually appealing and health-packed plate. The act of savouring a rainbow of nutrients can be a delightful distraction, positively impacting your mood and energy levels throughout the day.

Multi Coloured MondayNutritional science supports the idea that a colourful plate is a healthy plate. The “rainbow diet” concept, based on consuming a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, is linked to a diverse range of nutrients essential for overall health. Studies, such as the one published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (Rickman et al., 2007), emphasize the importance of a diverse and colourful diet in promoting optimal health and preventing various chronic diseases.  So, on Multi-coloured Monday make sure you incorporate as many different colours as possible into your meals and snacks. You could be boosting your physical health as well as your mental health.

Multi-coloured Mindfulness:

Combat the potential stress of Blue Monday with multi-coloured mindfulness practices. Visualisation exercises that involve imagining a spectrum of colours filling your mind can be particularly effective. Engage in mindful colouring or art activities during breaks to create a calming and rejuvenating experience. By incorporating these practices, you can promote mental well-being and resilience.

Creative Challenges and Activities:

The connection between colour and creativity has been explored in neuroscience. A study in the journal “Neuroimage” (Ellamil et al., 2012) used MRI scans to show that creative thinking is associated with increased activity in brain regions linked to attention and cognitive control. Engaging in colour-themed creative challenges on Blue Monday can stimulate these brain regions, potentially enhancing creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

To wrap up

This year, as Blue Monday approaches on January 15th, let’s redefine the narrative and turn it into a Multi-coloured Monday. By embracing a spectrum of colours in our wardrobes, workspaces, meals, and activities, we can transform a traditionally gloomy day into a vibrant celebration of positivity and creativity. Let’s break free from the blues and infuse the start of the week with the magic of multi-coloured possibilities, setting the tone for a brighter and more optimistic year ahead.


Phoenix Health & Wellbeing is a Charity and social enterprise based in West Yorkshire.  We use the proceeds of services provided to the general public and local employers to offer subsidised support to people who have chronic health issues and low incomes. Roughly £4 of every £10 spent with us will go to help others. Find out more about our charitable work or read about the services that we offer on our home page 

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